Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009


ich kann mich einfach nicht entscheiden, ob diese zeit fantastisch ist oder traurig. erst jetzt lernen wir unsere nachbarschaft kennen, annegret und alois, und müssen in zwei wochen ausziehen. das ist ohnehin irreal. wir wollen nicht weg. ob wir eine zukunft haben, die sehnlichst auf uns wartet oder nicht. wir wollen nicht gehen, uns nicht trennen, diesen ort verlassen. diesen zauberhaften ort.
wir arbeiten und ackern, wir lernen und pauken. wir genießen den sommer, der endlich angekommen ist, doch immer mit dem wissen, dass so bald alles vorbei ist.

Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009

WW weird world

it is extremely hot these days, wherever we are. And at night it gets even hotter in the appartement.
we become flies-killer as an open window is the only joy you´ve, when you´re sweating from sitting in front of the pc. but as soon as it´s dark outside...
we´ve been writing for days, but haven´t written one proper page so far. Thesis.
future is kinda coming, but we don´t know, if we´ve one or not. So far we don´t.

We need more coffee, more black tea, then everything´s fine. But did you know, that drinking 3 coffees and 2 black teas per day let you feel like taking drugs. At least I imagine it to be like that. More over your brain is always working - maybe that´s why extremely dreaming is part of our life. ;-)

Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009


PS: of course I´ve dreamed tonight as well. But this dream...I really can´t tell anyone. ;-)

moments like this

The moment, I noticed them, was, when they were already hugging each other. It was a 30m distance, but I followed them. After some time, they kissed for a last time, he took his suitcase and went away. But, wait, he didn´t just go like that. In fact he turned round 7 times; don´t worrie, I counted it. He made two or three steps, turned around to see her and then continued walking. Seven times. After seven times (she was finally getting ready to get in the car) he walked one step and then looked back, one step, looked back, one step,... I stopped to count.
It was a good moment. Even if I only stood there, waiting for the bus. I had to think about them the entire day. I saw him waving and her smiling. I don´t know them, but it doesn´t matter.

Montag, 22. Juni 2009

When I dream.

I woke up tonight at 2a.m. and couldn´t fall asleep again. More than an hour I walked up and down the room, looked out of the window; I finally turned on the PC and saw sth new. It was scary, as I had dreamed from exactly those news the night before. I´ve even written it here in yesterdays post. It´s scarly accurate and that´s why it´s scaring. I don´t know, if I can really tell someone, that I dreamed about the future.
I don´t believe in signs at all and about all that stuff about dreaming I don´t care either. Actually.

Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009

Ich hatte einen Traum.

Ich hab´wieder geträumt.
Und im Endeffekt könnte ich jetzt auch bereits wieder schließen, denn es kommt zu häufig vor, dass ich träume, mich erinnere und erzähle. Aber diesmal war es höchst lustig. Ich sah Menschen aus der Vergangenheit in Mönchskutten, ich traf Österreicher, die uns in einem südländischen Kloster typisch-österreich. Damenschuhe anboten und ich saß auf einmal in einer Deutsch-Italienisch-Stunde und konnte mich gerade nicht erinnern, was "verschlafen" heißt.
Ich sah neue Freundinnen von alten Bekannten, in der Mehrzahl blond und süß und auf einmal hörten wir Wassermassen fluten und - da ich keinen Satz dieser Sprache mehr hervorbrachte - ich musste an einem Schwimmmarathon teilnehmen, obwohl ich schwimme wie eine 3jährige.
Die Kurzfassung.

Samstag, 20. Juni 2009

The guy, that says Goodbye to you is out of his mind

Of course she´s not generally "better" than any other female friend, I have got. There are even some, I know better than her and with whom I spend more time. But still, I want to convince you, that she is a perfect girl. Perfect in a sense of "as perfect as a woman can be".

She´s changeable.
We went to an open air festival yesterday and she was dressed rock´n roll. I felt completely overdressed, as I couldn´t find my ACDC shirt and had to invent sth new. She had her hair coloured blond, sun glasses, one of those wild, but honest looking shirts, a black jeans and a leopardian scarf.
Once a month we go out to that russian club, which is a glamour location. She always knows, what to wear. She can look elegant and hot at the same time; she knows the difference between hot and cheap, between sexy and dirty.

She´s intelligent, but not a nerd.
She speaks german, russian and english fluently. She has lived in Portugal and I´m sure, she speaks portuguese as well perfectly; even if she would never say it. She studies to become a teacher and if you ask any of her friends, they would agree, that she´ll be a brilliant teacher. Few weeks ago she has made that internship at school and kids loved her, of course. But then, on the other hand, she knows, that she can´t be too cool to be taken serious from the kids, so she took off her tongue piercing.

She´s funny and has got a good sense of humor.
Sometimes she´s proud to be from Kazachstan, often she underlines, that this or that habit is one from Russia, even if she knows, that it is german. At university she understands to make people laugh, even the prof, even during a literature class.

She´s openminded and comes along well with anyone.
She doesn´t have more friends on StudiVZ, the german Facebook, than others, but I often wondered why. She´s got the talent of being close to anybody already few minutes after first seeing. But she doesn´t celebrate it, she is not proud of it or tells it to everybody. It´s her honesty and humanity, that let her behave naturally in front of everyone.

She´s independent, but lives for love.
She´s lived in Kazachstan, in Germany, in Portugal and Russia. This autumn she´s going to go to England for a year. She told me, she´d NEVER depend on someone or something and as much as she loved her ex boyfriend, it wasn´t endless love. She can´t imagine that.
After almost seven years (!) they separated last Christmas and she told me, that she had cancelled England for him, if he´d have just said one word.

So guys, that´s my opinion on a perfect girl. Is there something you miss? I wouldn´t understand it. Often I´m really sceptic about girls and women, I guess, I talk bad lots of times. In fact I talk worse, when talking about women than about men, but well.... that´s another subject.
Remember, that she´s single again! ;)
Baby, I know, she won´t!

Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009


Thanks, Spain.
Thanks, Spain, for taking my mind away, for destroying my thoughts and for changing my opinion. Thanks, Spain, for teaching me, that life is our responsibility. That it´s us, who decides about feeling well and feeling not well. We can trust in ourselves and we can trust in few others. We can´t trust in situations or moments, only in people. We can´t think, that people are always with us, but that special feelings are with us for our entire life.
Thanks Spain, for a reunion, which has shown me the most important in life: collecting everlasting moments and understanding, who you can trust in.

Montag, 8. Juni 2009

Vamos a la playa

Spanien ist das Beste, was mir jetzt passieren kann. Auch wenn es nur gut 4 Tage sind, auch wenn wir ab Rostock (!!) fliegen und auch, wenn man mallorquin auf Malle spricht und nicht spanisch. 4 Tage abschalten und erholen, die Mädchen sehen (!!) und feiern. Hach, womit hab´ich das nur verdient? ;) Bis dahin? Oblomow endlich fertig analysieren, drucken und Diba zur Korrektur hierlassen, Koffer packen (unser Leihwagen nach Rostock ist nur ein Smart), Uni und sich freuen! Ja, Vorfreude... Wer weiß, wann ich das nächste Mal in den Urlaub fahre!? Der Sommer ist verplant mit Abschluss und Hochzeit und dann... Nun, wer weiß schon, was danach kommt. Darüber mache ich mir dann Gedanken, wenn ich in 3 Tagen unten in Spanien am Strand liege. Ja dann VAMOS A LA PLAYA! CU there, Jo, Darm, Andrea, Thommy!!!

Freitag, 5. Juni 2009

All I need is...words

Today I got this message from a girl, I got to know in Russia. It´s desperate kitsch. Ok, I mean, it´s deeeeeesperate kitsch - and you know, that I´m not girly, but words can always make me cry.

We bought the wedding dress for my sister some weeks ago. It wasn´t a good day for me, I was seriously merciless. But when I saw her in that dress I knew we´d buy it. It was an unique moment, one I´ve been thinking of when I was little (at least sometimes) - and I only said: Hey, yeah, that´s it. Buy it no matter what it costs!
...but words, that´s different. Words tell a lot. In my opinion personal words or random phrases tell more about a situation, a feeling or a friendship than anything else. And, the most important about words is, that they tend to be honest. At least we should imagine them to be honest.
....but then, this one is kitsch. I can´t help it, I´m not girly.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.

PS: Is it important to be girly?

Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009


it´s a good day. i wanted to decide between Dubai and New York, between Barcelona and Moscow. but i couldn´t, because i don´t wanna miss a chance. i mean, maybe i decide in favor of one future and so i miss the better one. but maybe I chose without ever knowing. no, i mean, of course i´ll never know about the missed future. and that´s very satisfying.

Freitag, 29. Mai 2009


I would do everything.
I just wanna say this.

Montag, 25. Mai 2009

Mozart festival

I forgot the Mozart festival. That big event in Würzburg, being held from end of may till july. I always wanted to have a ticket and not only stand outside of the garden of the residence. But I´m afraid, this year it´s again too late. I´d like to go with my brother, but he doesn´t live here. And I only know one other person, who´d enjoy joining the festival and listening to Mozarts "Nachtmusik", who´d enjoy this special atmosphere. But that person is not here. Maybe I should ask and with big luck...huge luck...

Sonntag, 24. Mai 2009

über die Wichtigkeit, sich selbst nicht zu wichtig zu nehmen

Menschen tendieren dazu, sich zu überschätzen. Allgemein und in jeder Hinsicht. Sie überschätzen sich selbst, wenn sie ToDo-Listen schreiben und nie eine komplett abhacken. Und sie überschätzen sich, wenn es um die Wichtigkeit ihrer Probleme geht.
Heute hatte ich ein eher kurzes, aber typisches Gespräch mit einer Bekannten. Ich erwähnte, dass ich das Sommersemester genieße, aber dennoch schon immer der Ansicht war, dass es zu viele Feiertage in eben diesem gäbe. Da kommt man ja kaum zum Studieren! Und ständig fallen Donnerstage und Montage aus. Da starrte sie mich an und meinte: sei doch froh! Ich wiederum: aber so kommt man ja zu nichts! und sie: Also ich habe genug zu tun! Himmel, da war es genug, und ich habe endlich einmal ausgesprochen, was ich schon immer mal sagen wollte: Wir haben alle zu tun, überschätz´dich nicht!
Genau so ist es auch. Sie ist ein normales Mädchen. Geht in die Uni, wenn sie muss und arbeitet, um sich das zu finanzieren. Aber das tun wir alle. Und dennoch sind wir doch vom Glück verfolgt! Es wird uns viel zu selten deutlich gemacht, dass wir all dies tun, weil wir uns dafür entschieden haben und nicht, weil man uns dazu gezwungen hat. Und dass wir arbeiten - nun, das ist eben Deutschland, wo man sich als Student schämen muss, wenn man das nicht tut. Irgendwie ist es ja auch ganz nett, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und neben dem Studium schon sein eigenes Geld zu verdienen.
Ich bin mir jedenfalls sicher, dass ich diese Zeit unglaublich vermissen werde. Wann ist man derart frei? derart ungebunden? derart reich an Wissen und Hingabe?
Ich würde nicht sagen: Vergiss Flecken, vertrau Pink! sondern: Nimm Dich nicht so ernst, vertrau Dir!

Montag, 18. Mai 2009

in love with a fairytale

this is not fun anymore. at least not for me. i can not believe, that after an emotional and depressing discussion like that one tonight, everybody leaves the room a la "uuuuuuh, you´ve had your date with that cute guy yesterday, right?"/"what are we doing on saturday?". if you would be there, you´d understand me. maybe you´re the only one, who´d understand me. actually i´d love to cry just because of the fact, that i´m alone with my opinion and that idealism. i´ve the feeling, that everyone just lives their normal lifes and i´m in love with a fairytale.

Samstag, 9. Mai 2009

Spruch des Tages

"Wer das Schlimmste sieht, ist nie enttäuscht."

Freitag, 8. Mai 2009

no title today.

Once I decided, that being thankful is a big part of my life.
Here are the THANK YOUs for today:
Thanks for surviving class while being weak and sweating.
Thanks for avoiding coffee, althought having had a terrible night.
Thanks for a quiet appartment tonight.
Thanks for having enough candles instead of light.
Thanks for earplugs.
Thanks for those things being reliable!!!

Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009

Tuesdays in summer

7:00 getting up
7:52 bus to university
8:30 - 10:00 first lesson. language course.
10:04 bus back to the city
10:22 bying a salad in the supermarket
10:30 at home
10:30 - 11:30 trying to eat as much as I can in order to not be hungry for a long time. Reading the new chapters for International Marketing once again. Gathering information about the Indian market.
11:30 leaving for class
12:00 c.t. - 14:00 second lesson of the day. International Marketing.
14:00 - 14:45, 15:00 - 15:45 third and fourth class. Personal & Organisation (this one german) incl. tutorial.
16:00 c.t. - 18:00 fifth class. Gobalization and global economics.
(actually beginning at 17:15, for me at about) 18:00 sixth class. Central Asia - Intercultural Communication - 19:30
19:45 at home. a salad. earplugs. reading and interpreting a Gorkij essay/book/text for Wednesday. Reading the scripts and the Case Studies for Thursdays Innovation Management. Studying vocabulary and more or less thinking about how to write my thesis.
... bed.

Montag, 4. Mai 2009


(thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks.)
...and never forget may the 4th.


I´m scared.
I´m really scared.
Or am I afraid?
Maybe afraid is a better word,
however english doesn´t express
the german "Angst",
as it is a word of pure fear.
I´m afraid,
as if it was me.
And when it´s fact,
then it is at least 20%,
that it´s related to me as well.
Life is weird.
And full of surprises.
If you help us surviving
the next hour,
I swear,
I´ll love any other surprise,
Help, we need somebody.

Samstag, 2. Mai 2009

The Best

I had a wonderful night yesterday. We´ve been to a new bar and it was great fun. The wine was good and the atmosphere impressing. I learned again, that being happy is related to a moment, not to an eternal situation. And I´m thankful to be reminded. Also because memories are good now, they´re really good. And that´s what I´ve always longed for. Probably this thought made the evening wonderful and unique.
I love the city and the guys. I don´t know, what to do without them; losing AGAIN people, you love, is part of the game, but not part of my personal happiness. Making the best of now.

Mittwoch, 15. April 2009

some future in june?

Dear german television,
this is us. we´ve already applied for Spain officially, but here we want to make clear, why you have to chose us to work for you.
We´re young, we´re active, we look good and fresh and we´ve the experience in media, you need!
Here we are, just TAKE US!!! Don´t worry, for you we wouldn´t mind to miss classes at university. Just because it´s you.
In love, everlasting, if you decide in favour for us.
The guys.

DAY 4, DAY 5, DAY 6


Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

DAY 3 out in the city

...was a good day. The morning was brilliant, four hours I made it through the city, then my nose was too full of nicest smells. Everywhere bread, cheese and meat. I even smelled icecream.
Some weak moments in the afternoon and a pretty calm evening. Three days have passed. The joy of the apple-juice in the morning stays, every day, but besides that.... Probably we´re quite alright.

Dienstag, 7. April 2009


Puuh, life is going on. This morning, when I woke up, I felt pretty great... maybe, because I was so empty, that it was like flying when getting down the stairs. I was the first one to have breakfast. That was the worst moment of the morning. I had difficulties to sit. I tried to keep myself busy with housework, and it worked, until I began to study. My brother called, or we called him, and I was so weak, I was only lying on the bed. 30 minutes.
"We should have said to do an extra soup-round at midnight", she told me tonight. And he said, that he already hears a man inside his body shouting: "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT, i want FAAATTT" Even though he´s the one, who´s best atm. Because she went out yesterday with her boyfriend, who ate pizza. And she? Had a water. I´m happy to be here, to study and to work from home. Sometimes I think of going out longer than for a walk, but I´m not sure, if I´d make a day out in the city. :D
Now, as I´m sitting here, writing and looking outside my window, I´m fine. But all the time I´ve to think of meat and a Kebab.

Montag, 6. April 2009


Ok, don´t call it an experiment. Even though it is one, I´d say.
We are 3. And we decided to not eat anything exept soup for one week. For one, who is used to diets, this is a joke. But for us, it is heavy. I´ve never done such a thing, although I always wanted to. We´re three persons, anyhow related to each other. We´ve got different plans for this week and different expectations.
Two plates of soup a day, including water and tea, is not a lot. For me...well, I go to the fridge like every two hours. So for me it´s mainly about discipline. Self-discipline.

Day 1 started pretty well. We stood up at different times, the other two earlier than me. I immediately started studying. Five minutes ago I went to take another tea, when he came home, asking for my health. For now it is ridiculous. And we´ve got another, a fourth person at home, and she doesn´t participate. She thinks, the entire plan is ridiculous, as you can live pretty well from eating soup. I´m not that sure about it.
Let´s see. For now I continue studying. Two hours left till we cook for lunch. I´m fine and I´m sure, we gonna make it. Easily, of course.

Freitag, 3. April 2009

It's only after we've lost everything
that we're free to do anything!
- Tyler Durden

Dienstag, 31. März 2009


esta noche he tenido que matar a mucha gente.
I could still...
Dreaming about teeth means you´re highly aggressive. Ok.
And then I´ve dreamed about us. And I was crying. God, I was really crying a lot! I actually don´t know, why I´ve dreamed about that, but I woke up and was exhausted.
esta noche he tenido que matar a mucha gente.

Montag, 30. März 2009

the lie about the truth

We tend to say the truth. Just in general. And as our parents and teachers, our lovers and friends always teach us to do so, it´s ok. But what about this big lie in saying neither the truth nor the lie? What about this big thing about not saying a big thing? Should we call someone a liar, when he or she didn´t tell us anything over years? Where is the line between "a friend of mine" and "the person, i´m telling everything"? And are we really obligated to spread out our entire life´s story to someone, we would call "a close person"?
I don´t know. I mean, it´s important to have different kind of "close persons". I´m convinced, that someone is not able to be THE closest person for someone else. Apart from a partner. Maybe.
In my opinion, not telling everything to somebody, you tell a lot, is not a lie. Sometimes we just want to protect the other one. And, of course, sometimes we want to protect ourselves. This kind of egoism should be allowed. A certain kind and portion of egoism goes along with everything, human beings are doing.
I´ve those kind of lying truthes, too. Things, I should maybe tell someone. But as I said, we are just willing to do, what protects people around us and ourselves.
But if one day anybody comes to me and asks me about those cryptic truthes, I won´t lie.

Dienstag, 24. März 2009

Irgendwas bleibt

Sag mir dass dieser Ort hier sicher ist
Und alles Gute steht hier still
Und dass das Wort dass du mir heute gibst
Morgen noch genauso gilt

Diese Welt ist schnell und hat verlernt beständig zu sein
Denn Versuchungen setzen ihre Frist
Doch bitte schwör, dass wenn ich wieder komm
Alles noch beim Alten ist

Gib mir ein kleines bisschen Sicherheit
In einer Welt in der nichts sicher scheint
Gib mir in dieser schnellen Zeit
irgendwas, das bleibt

Gib mir einfach nur ein bisschen Halt
Wieg mich einfach nur in Sicherheit
Hol mich aus dieser schnellen Zeit

Nimm mir ein bisschen Geschwindigkeit
Gib mir was, irgendwas
das bleibt

Auch wenn die Welt den Verstand verliert
Das hier bleibt unberührt


Mittwoch, 18. März 2009

4 important minutes

I was sure to look at every of the eight books tonight. The eight books in english and german (I´m afraid one is also in french). And I´ve only 12 hours left till I meet my "supervisor" (I really like this word) for the first time. I mean, I told her, I don´t have anything at the moment and she said: Ok, come anyhow. well as we understand each other, I´m the person, who has to write this thesis till summer and she´s my teacher and will correct it. So...I should have anything, when I go there.
God, and now.
I sat down, I took the first book. Eventually it was the right one. And while Silbermond was singing on YouTube I was already thinking of several, several other songs to play tonight, while looking for a rough conception. And here it is.
I got it within 4 minutes. FOUR MINUTES. I started reading the book and stopped after three sentences. I simply had everything in my mind. The orden, the aspects, I want to emphasize and those, I only want to mention. I wrote it down. in 4 minutes.
Now I have it. And I´m happy. I´m so happy, that my idea for a subject was accepted. And now, I´m even more enthusiastic to start writing. If I could, I would do it. Right now. OOOOOh, I love my thesis. Right now and forever.

Samstag, 14. März 2009


I´ve got 3 wishes?
I want to have someone to cook for me.
I want to have someone to wash the dishes with me.
I want to have someone to be with me.

Donnerstag, 5. März 2009


It´s a hard day. I like to see the moon. Yesterday I did from my bed, being awake. Maybe we don´t deserve our life, ´cause everything happening, happens at night. The important things. The darkness, being cruel. The moon. The silence. But if we were never asleep, we could never wake up. We could never wake up next to the person we love, we could never start a new day like we started a new life. Everything would be the same forever. Still. We should sleep less. It works, trust me. Maybe only sleep, when we want to start something new. And: when we´re able to change something. If we only would be able!!!

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009

Wü 19.2. 10h

Würzburg vor 4 Stunden.
Ich bin auf dem Weg zum Aldi. Um Wasser zu holen. Dabei weiß ich jetzt schon, dass ich einen 6-Pack ohnehin nur mit Keuchen und ständigem Positionswechsel von Schulter in beide Arme, in rechte Hand, linke Hand,... nach Hause bringe. Es ist einiges los... zum ersten Mal, dass ich gegen 10 hier unterwegs bin, seit eineinhalb Wochen. Ich komme bei TUI vorbei. "Mein Team berät Sie gerne" - Jogi Löw. Was hat Jogi Löw mit TUI zu tun? Nun, finanziell lässt sich alles regeln. Und was nun, wenn ich TUI betrete und Poldi, Schweini oder Metze verlange? Wo ist dann das Team?
Im Aldi habe ich zwei Plastikflaschen abzugeben. Vor mir steht schon länger eine ältere Dame. Der Rückgabeautomat zeigt "24". 24 leere Flaschen Bier gibt sie ab. Sie ist klein und unscheinbar und ihr Anblick macht mich traurig. In der Brotabteilung treffe ich nur alte Menschen an, und eine Chinesin. Beim Wasser nur einen Chinesen ("Deine Freundin ist beim Brot.") und alte Männer. Aus der Kühlabteilung schallen die Stimmen zweier älterer Damen herüber. "Seit 40 Jahren haben wir uns nicht gesehen!!!" Ich überlege, ob ich Bekannte nach 40 Jahren wiedererkennen würde. Allerdings ist der Gedanke schnell vertrieben, denn mich erkennt man seit 15 Jahren, ich scheine mich nicht zu verändern. Und man will ja ohnehin nicht Menschen ansprechen, die einen selbst nicht ansprechen würden. Ich entscheide mich für einen im Gang herumstehenden 4er Pack Wasser, schwer genug. Kurz überlege ich, italienische Gewürze mitzunehmen. Aber ich kenne mich immer noch nicht gut genug hier aus und das Gewühle ist langsam bedrohlich. Auf dem Weg zur Kasse komme ich an den Damen vorbei, die sich seit 40 Jahren nicht gesehen haben. Sie halten sich in den Armen. Ich lächle.
An der Kasse habe ich die Wahl zwischen Mann und Frau. Ich entscheide mich für den jungen Mann. Vielleicht komme ich einfach besser mit Männern klar; oder ich will das nur. Aus der Obstabteilung kommt ein älterer Herr mit Gehfehler angehumpelt. Er ruft schon von weitem: "Kasse??". Jeder schaut sich um. Natürlich sagt keiner etwas, natürlich nicht. Er beginnt, mit sich selbst zu reden, eher unverständlich. Ich zahle, tausche mit dem Kassierer ein kurzes Lächeln aus und packe mein Wasser und meinen Schmand. (der stand auf dem Weg zur Kasse und ich hatte gerade Lust darauf. Nur 33 Cent)
Natürlich habe ich Schwierigkeiten, das Wasser nach Hause zu bekommen. Und das, obwohl ich eine Riesenausgabe einer Gunni Gundel-Stofftasche dabei habe. Wenn ich den Beutel mit beiden Armen umschlungen halte, quietscht es aus der Tasche. Und als ich im dritten Stock ankomme, keuche ich. Immer noch denke ich an Poldi, der da nun bei TUI sitzt und mich so gern beraten hätte.

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

Sie ist weg.

This morning we´ve been five to help her moving from Wü to Berlin. She´s a smart girl and funny. She studied in China, worked for BMW, went to the States, made an internship in Washington. She got to know an american guy, who knew, how to make her happy. The other way than being together. Tuesday she takes a flight to Egypt to visit a friend for three weeks. She had to cancel an intership at a great company on the Philippines, because she has got troubles with her Dad, who has to fund her, in China, in the US and in the past as working for the german government or spending 2 months in Yemen to improve her arabian.
I got to know her in my first semester at university during a russian class. She cancelled the language course, saying, that russian is really tough compared to chinese and arabian. She is a happy girl.
Yesterday we had some last beers in our bar. Today she went. And this morning we helped her taking her stuff from her ex-boyfriends flat in the car. Honestly, it was lots of stuff, I´d never take on a 7hour-trip. She has got 20 m2 in Berlin and she´d need some 50.
Her ex-boyfriend was there as well. He helped us, more or less, but the atmosphere was a bad one. Some time we didn´t know, if it´s better to stay outside the appartment for a moment to not take part in their discussion or to stay inside to avoid, that they start to fight. She´s a tough girl and she made it smiling. And her ex-boyfriend looks different than the day, I got to know him, two years ago. He´s a soldier. (which is actually totally unimportant)
At the moment she´s still on the road. This morning, when I took all the stuff, she had left in my flat and put it in my car I suddenly knew, that I won´t meet her soon again. She´s gone. But on the other hand we haven´t seen each other from january 2008 till december 2008. I´m going to spend some weeks in Berlin in summer.

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

"if i´m still single when i´m 30, anyone of you may marry me."

long time no see.
as yesterday i met some friends and we suddenly became serious about talking of loneliness, i couldn´t sleep tonight. i was thinking. we agreed, that we´re alone, everyone of us. we were 4. but why we couldn´t find out. of course you never want to face the big negativ aspects of your own personality. but the problem was, that i couldn´t tell my friends, why the hell they´re alone. i know it for myself as i don´t know it for myself. but for them... i don´t know. she* said, that it´s about her look. many people tell her, that she looks too serious and that she never smiles. but well, i added, that i smile a lot and i am in the same situation. she said, that it´s all about, how you look, when you first meet someone. i totally agree with her. i think, it´s kind of unfair and not right, but it´s natural, that we only want to get in contact with someone, we find attractive. ok, i mean, sometimes we just meet people in groups more often for other reasons and may find out, that she or he is a great person regardless his/her appearance. but that happens far too seldom. we couldn´t find anything at each other, that would totally annoy us. probably the situation is even worse, when we don´t know, what to change. but then it´s kinda cool as well, that your friends wouldn´t mind being together with you. :-)

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

our way to handle the following 2 weeks/ 7 exams

Sitting here, on the bed and on the couch. Having the PC on our knees. The room covered with papers, books, pens and big maps. But.
Fanta 4 is too great, the room a nice one.
Yes, we´re studying, but it´s our way of studying. A good way.

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009

every day

I said, life is strange. And I would confirm it every day.
There are days, when you´re shining, because everything is more than just fine. And if a sad friend asked you that day, how were you, you say: Ok, I´m ok. And then, the other day, your friend is happy, you see him smiling and you ask him and he says: I´m happy. We should be as honest as him.
Those days, you want to break out, be anywhere but here, remind you of being human. You mention ironically, that life couldn´t be worse at the moment, but you´ll find out, that yes, it can. The next day anything will crash again. Well, and as you then know about the routine of everything becoming worse, when you think it can continue, suddenly it stops. You can have a look and maybe you´ll change your view and add: well, no, it´s not that bad, it could be worse. Once you´ve thought it, there´s light again. Follow it and don´t look back.
Those things will come again, suddenly, all those kinda things, you call destiny or bad luck. But however you call them, they´ll never knock and say: Be aware!
In good times you don´t see, how well you are and that luck and happiness are your closest friends. You´ll only feel it, when they´ve left again.
But that´s life. We don´t know, what´s coming and most of us don´t want to know it either. If you knew the bad in advance, you were afraid, weeks before. And if you knew, that days will be better in a couple of weeks, you wouldn´t care about living the bad at the moment and wouldn´t see it as bad as it is.
I said, we should live both. And being very happy though. And I would confirm it every day.

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

One of those moments

Right, left, right, left, right, left. Everything fits. They´ve got the same rhythm. They are not talking. I´ve the same way, so I follow them. Harmony, yeah, you could say harmony. Right, left, right, left. They´re just some years older than me, a young couple, walking hand in hand, he is holding the umbrella. Under his jacket he carries a baby, in blankets, lots of blankets. It´s cold. And raining. Right and left. I´m walking behind them for more than 10 minutes. They don´t talk, no word. Some great minutes.

Montag, 12. Januar 2009

a post to remember you of your chances.

Last thing I´ve written about globablization and internationality? That most of my friends have relationships to boys and girls across boarders. This week I´ve heard about two more.
And then I remembered again that evening last autumn, when everyone participating suddenly noticed, that we´re just blessed nowadays.
She invited to celebrate her Goodbye to Israel. We´ve been about 20, mostly old friends, she knows from school, some others, just like me. We made barbecue, sat down and talked.
There was him, having studied in Great Britain. He, who didn´t know what to do after school and picked chinese out of a mood - he became anything called "ambassador of China in Germany" after few years, went to China, met his girlfriend there. He lives there, studies law at a chinese university, changed his status from "one of those, who have absolutely no idea of the own life" to "man, he reached a lot". Another one of those is him. He went to study in Chile, came just back for holidays once in a while. At the moment he´s in Germany, finishing studies, then going back to his girlfriend in Chile. She went to study in Texas and is now doing her PhD in the Netherlands and she, who lived one year in Denmark and will hopefully once come with me to study in Stockholm. Our friend, who went to Guatemala and was that time waiting for her boyfriend to move (!) to Germany; and didn´t go to Italy because of him. Another one began his studies in Belgium and is now happy in Austria. Oh, and him, studying in Sweden. Finally he, who went to New York and is now living in Vienna.
I was thinking about writing this post or not. Because actually it´s nothing (absolutely nothing) unique these days. I could continue, looking at my friends, my family, everyone around. But I guess, sometimes, we just should realize what´s happening with us and that we really have every chance to take, if we just want to do it. It´s amazing. AMAZING.

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009

know it all

Lebenskunst besteht zu 90 Prozent aus der Fähigkeit, mit Menschen auszukommen, die man nicht leiden kann. Samuel Goldwyn

If I could (...I wouldn´t)

Sometimes I wanna stop the world
because I´ve got no time to think.
I can not sleep,
but I´m tired of yawning.
I can not think,
because thoughts are crowded
in my head;
and then I stop the world
just for myself
and now it´s clear: I don´t want to think
and the world to turn around again.

Samstag, 3. Januar 2009


*she is going to get married, she told us yesterday
*she has got her big operation thing in january
*he will finish working
*they will leave to Russia soon
*and I... I will finish university, be an ordinary Bachelor (Bachelorette), leave our lovely flat in Wü city, go somewhere to travel/work/take an internship/visit someone/find out about the sense of life/continue studies.

2009 - I´m afraid of you and I´m looking forward to you. Be honest, please. An honest year.Thx.