Montag, 3. November 2008

"Oh, you remember to not forget Mr. Pipes and his statements on russian society in the 18th century?"

This morning I wasn´t comfortable with my presentation so far. Moreover I wasn´t sure, if I had set the right focus. I was thinking about it and then I wrote a message to my teacher. Just to make sure. Three minutes later I got his response. He KINDA affirmed my focus, until he came up with the following:
"Oh, you remember to not forget Mr. Pipes and his statements on russian society in the 18th century?... Everything alright? Have fun!"
I knew Mr. Pipes before, but I didn´t know, that I was supposed to build the basis of my 45-60 min presentation out of his statement. (He is one of those teachers, who helps a lot to find literature and sources for presentations. Actually - as he knows exactly what he want to talk about afterwards - he gives us precisely books and articles, of which we´ve to talk about. Pipes hasn´t been there.) Wow. 39 hours left to write a new one.
I suddenly remembered, that I love challenges.
So I answered:
"Yeah, everything clear now! Thank you very much, CU on Wednesday!"

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