Mittwoch, 17. September 2008

The indian solution

At home we call him very simple the indian, just because he was dressed like an indian at a carnival party, assigned by television. Besides that he is the quasi-prime minister of Bavaria. And... he´s a funny guy.
Yesterday he said, there´s no problem in drinking two Maß (that´s four bottles) and driving afterwards. It´s not an issue for me to drink and drive at all, but if I´d drink four bottles of beer, I wouldn´t walk straight, I wouldn´t speak clearly and...god, I wouldn´t drive.
Don´t get me wrong, Moscow has probably made an alcoholic of me (who else would ever drink every day of an entire month something alcoholic?), so I´m not the first to fall from the bench, when I´ve drunk.
At the Oktoberfest last year I drank exactly, what Mr. Beckstein declared, and I was quite alone with that amount. That´s why he may have acted the "correct" way... at least when you look forward to the elections, that will decide in less than two weeks about his future. Cheers, my indian!

What´s left to say (addition 19.09.08): Stefan Raab, a german joker, wanted to make the indian test and directed a student (a guy from the audience of his show) to drink two Maß; afterwards he was supposed to do a field sobriety test. Unfortunately the test went down the drain: after one Maß the guy threw up.

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