Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

Never again

I try to explain to her*, that never again doesn´t mean at least not tomorrow. Never again is heavy, especially when you use it saying, you not gonna SPEAK ABOUT anything again. That´s why I answered: "Don´t make a promise, when you can´t keep it! Not because of me - I don´t mind. Because of you." I mean, I´m sure, NOBODY could start avoiding a thing, you keep on talking about or doing for several months. And not only regularly, but nearly every day. As far as "doing a thing" is concerned, I can´t speak about it, as I´ve never continued doing anything for a long period. Besides playing the violin and having singing lesson...
But well... she used to speak about it as a sport. So she won´t be able to stop with it out of a sudden.
And it´s maybe not important, if she redefines the period of never again. I just don´t like people saying big words - eminent-sounding -, when they´re about to say anything completely different the next day. Probably it´s all about loving drama or not.

*poor girl. but becoming realistic is a process. and believe me, i avoid to use the word realistic. but here it´s obviously important.

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