Würzburg vor 4 Stunden.
Ich bin auf dem Weg zum Aldi. Um Wasser zu holen. Dabei weiß ich jetzt schon, dass ich einen 6-Pack ohnehin nur mit Keuchen und ständigem Positionswechsel von Schulter in beide Arme, in rechte Hand, linke Hand,... nach Hause bringe. Es ist einiges los... zum ersten Mal, dass ich gegen 10 hier unterwegs bin, seit eineinhalb Wochen. Ich komme bei TUI vorbei. "Mein Team berät Sie gerne" - Jogi Löw. Was hat Jogi Löw mit TUI zu tun? Nun, finanziell lässt sich alles regeln. Und was nun, wenn ich TUI betrete und Poldi, Schweini oder Metze verlange? Wo ist dann das Team?
Im Aldi habe ich zwei Plastikflaschen abzugeben. Vor mir steht schon länger eine ältere Dame. Der Rückgabeautomat zeigt "24". 24 leere Flaschen Bier gibt sie ab. Sie ist klein und unscheinbar und ihr Anblick macht mich traurig. In der Brotabteilung treffe ich nur alte Menschen an, und eine Chinesin. Beim Wasser nur einen Chinesen ("Deine Freundin ist beim Brot.") und alte Männer. Aus der Kühlabteilung schallen die Stimmen zweier älterer Damen herüber. "Seit 40 Jahren haben wir uns nicht gesehen!!!" Ich überlege, ob ich Bekannte nach 40 Jahren wiedererkennen würde. Allerdings ist der Gedanke schnell vertrieben, denn mich erkennt man seit 15 Jahren, ich scheine mich nicht zu verändern. Und man will ja ohnehin nicht Menschen ansprechen, die einen selbst nicht ansprechen würden. Ich entscheide mich für einen im Gang herumstehenden 4er Pack Wasser, schwer genug. Kurz überlege ich, italienische Gewürze mitzunehmen. Aber ich kenne mich immer noch nicht gut genug hier aus und das Gewühle ist langsam bedrohlich. Auf dem Weg zur Kasse komme ich an den Damen vorbei, die sich seit 40 Jahren nicht gesehen haben. Sie halten sich in den Armen. Ich lächle.
An der Kasse habe ich die Wahl zwischen Mann und Frau. Ich entscheide mich für den jungen Mann. Vielleicht komme ich einfach besser mit Männern klar; oder ich will das nur. Aus der Obstabteilung kommt ein älterer Herr mit Gehfehler angehumpelt. Er ruft schon von weitem: "Kasse??". Jeder schaut sich um. Natürlich sagt keiner etwas, natürlich nicht. Er beginnt, mit sich selbst zu reden, eher unverständlich. Ich zahle, tausche mit dem Kassierer ein kurzes Lächeln aus und packe mein Wasser und meinen Schmand. (der stand auf dem Weg zur Kasse und ich hatte gerade Lust darauf. Nur 33 Cent)
Natürlich habe ich Schwierigkeiten, das Wasser nach Hause zu bekommen. Und das, obwohl ich eine Riesenausgabe einer Gunni Gundel-Stofftasche dabei habe. Wenn ich den Beutel mit beiden Armen umschlungen halte, quietscht es aus der Tasche. Und als ich im dritten Stock ankomme, keuche ich. Immer noch denke ich an Poldi, der da nun bei TUI sitzt und mich so gern beraten hätte.
Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009
Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009
Sie ist weg.
This morning we´ve been five to help her moving from Wü to Berlin. She´s a smart girl and funny. She studied in China, worked for BMW, went to the States, made an internship in Washington. She got to know an american guy, who knew, how to make her happy. The other way than being together. Tuesday she takes a flight to Egypt to visit a friend for three weeks. She had to cancel an intership at a great company on the Philippines, because she has got troubles with her Dad, who has to fund her, in China, in the US and in the past as working for the german government or spending 2 months in Yemen to improve her arabian.
I got to know her in my first semester at university during a russian class. She cancelled the language course, saying, that russian is really tough compared to chinese and arabian. She is a happy girl.
Yesterday we had some last beers in our bar. Today she went. And this morning we helped her taking her stuff from her ex-boyfriends flat in the car. Honestly, it was lots of stuff, I´d never take on a 7hour-trip. She has got 20 m2 in Berlin and she´d need some 50.
Her ex-boyfriend was there as well. He helped us, more or less, but the atmosphere was a bad one. Some time we didn´t know, if it´s better to stay outside the appartment for a moment to not take part in their discussion or to stay inside to avoid, that they start to fight. She´s a tough girl and she made it smiling. And her ex-boyfriend looks different than the day, I got to know him, two years ago. He´s a soldier. (which is actually totally unimportant)
At the moment she´s still on the road. This morning, when I took all the stuff, she had left in my flat and put it in my car I suddenly knew, that I won´t meet her soon again. She´s gone. But on the other hand we haven´t seen each other from january 2008 till december 2008. I´m going to spend some weeks in Berlin in summer.
I got to know her in my first semester at university during a russian class. She cancelled the language course, saying, that russian is really tough compared to chinese and arabian. She is a happy girl.
Yesterday we had some last beers in our bar. Today she went. And this morning we helped her taking her stuff from her ex-boyfriends flat in the car. Honestly, it was lots of stuff, I´d never take on a 7hour-trip. She has got 20 m2 in Berlin and she´d need some 50.
Her ex-boyfriend was there as well. He helped us, more or less, but the atmosphere was a bad one. Some time we didn´t know, if it´s better to stay outside the appartment for a moment to not take part in their discussion or to stay inside to avoid, that they start to fight. She´s a tough girl and she made it smiling. And her ex-boyfriend looks different than the day, I got to know him, two years ago. He´s a soldier. (which is actually totally unimportant)
At the moment she´s still on the road. This morning, when I took all the stuff, she had left in my flat and put it in my car I suddenly knew, that I won´t meet her soon again. She´s gone. But on the other hand we haven´t seen each other from january 2008 till december 2008. I´m going to spend some weeks in Berlin in summer.
Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009
"if i´m still single when i´m 30, anyone of you may marry me."
long time no see.
as yesterday i met some friends and we suddenly became serious about talking of loneliness, i couldn´t sleep tonight. i was thinking. we agreed, that we´re alone, everyone of us. we were 4. but why we couldn´t find out. of course you never want to face the big negativ aspects of your own personality. but the problem was, that i couldn´t tell my friends, why the hell they´re alone. i know it for myself as i don´t know it for myself. but for them... i don´t know. she* said, that it´s about her look. many people tell her, that she looks too serious and that she never smiles. but well, i added, that i smile a lot and i am in the same situation. she said, that it´s all about, how you look, when you first meet someone. i totally agree with her. i think, it´s kind of unfair and not right, but it´s natural, that we only want to get in contact with someone, we find attractive. ok, i mean, sometimes we just meet people in groups more often for other reasons and may find out, that she or he is a great person regardless his/her appearance. but that happens far too seldom. we couldn´t find anything at each other, that would totally annoy us. probably the situation is even worse, when we don´t know, what to change. but then it´s kinda cool as well, that your friends wouldn´t mind being together with you. :-)
as yesterday i met some friends and we suddenly became serious about talking of loneliness, i couldn´t sleep tonight. i was thinking. we agreed, that we´re alone, everyone of us. we were 4. but why we couldn´t find out. of course you never want to face the big negativ aspects of your own personality. but the problem was, that i couldn´t tell my friends, why the hell they´re alone. i know it for myself as i don´t know it for myself. but for them... i don´t know. she* said, that it´s about her look. many people tell her, that she looks too serious and that she never smiles. but well, i added, that i smile a lot and i am in the same situation. she said, that it´s all about, how you look, when you first meet someone. i totally agree with her. i think, it´s kind of unfair and not right, but it´s natural, that we only want to get in contact with someone, we find attractive. ok, i mean, sometimes we just meet people in groups more often for other reasons and may find out, that she or he is a great person regardless his/her appearance. but that happens far too seldom. we couldn´t find anything at each other, that would totally annoy us. probably the situation is even worse, when we don´t know, what to change. but then it´s kinda cool as well, that your friends wouldn´t mind being together with you. :-)
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