Dienstag, 30. September 2008
dass Du das,
was Du heute tun kannst,
nicht getan hast.
Montag, 29. September 2008
junge junge
Gott, unglaublich. Das ist erst so kurz her, und scheint doch schon völlig gelöscht.
Junge, those were good times. Moskau, Du fehlst mir. Nichts zu machen, rien ne va plus.
Das zu bekommen, was man wirklich haben will,
will auch erstmal gelernt sein.
*anonymer Klugscheißer*
Sonntag, 28. September 2008
All that you want
Something will never change, remember that:
Bavarias Ode to all things BEER
Poor indian
He* says there are two reasons: firstly they´ve decided to abandon the TRANSRAPID project in Munich, secondly at the carnival party this year, he was wearing a lion dress.
And then, five minutes later, he adds: and third of all, it´s Hubers** fault.
*Every book I want to read, I give him at first. In his judgement I trust.
**He wanted to help the indian. But he didn´t. An era of 60 years ends today.
Freitag, 26. September 2008
3 semanas
Para tener la cabeza libre hasta el 13 de octubre.... a lo mejor sería bueno ir a la peluquería.
Donnerstag, 25. September 2008
About the french
One of my closest friends from Spain is french and she isn´t an exception: one day we met at her home, Aretha Franklin was yelling and we´ve been downstairs, drinking. Until dense smoke slowly entered the room...
*just a lovely one
Mittwoch, 24. September 2008
*she´s not german. but trying to find out, what it´s like to live here.
Montag, 22. September 2008
big moments
Sonntag, 21. September 2008
GER today
I entered confused the front door. Was it possible, that what you see in television is reality? I mean, that, what you see, is even more reality than the reality of television? The first person I met in the building was a teacher for those children, having an attention deficit or any kind of learning disability. (...didn´t exist, when I went to school, neither the teacher nor the disabilities) She had blond curls and we didn´t find each other likeable. She couldn´t handle my black hoody, or rather the far pulled hood and I was diverted by her mazy hair. I managed the stairs without any anomalies, passed by clamps (I haven´t seen that many non-german names in a german school before) (...times are a-changing: in my class there was a Manuel, a Elisabeth and a Michael. today there´s a Hilal, a Taifun (engl: typhoon) and a Syhejda) and arrived in her* classroom.
To cut a long story short: she has got 27 pupils, one girl is... one girl is "originally" german. ONE. Her name is Angel-Anne. ANGEL-ANNE! (yes, english pronunciation) Over 50% is islamic. Three girls avoid eating and drinking during Ramadan until sunset; they´re nine years old and actually those rules are invalid for children (one of them is not willing to participate in swimming, as it might happen, that she swallows water accidentally) In the building there are several notes with a quotation of our secretary of education "Television makes dumb, fat and lonely". Obviously the kids don´t agree: Being asked about, what makes him happy, writes a boy: television, nintendo and my i-pod. (I-pods didn´t exist, Nintendo I didn´t know and television I was allowed to watch half an hour every evening)
* teacher is her dream job, but in order to miss a retraining in swimming lesson she thinks of inventing a funeral
Samstag, 20. September 2008
*Richard Bruce Dick Cheney*
Freitag, 19. September 2008
In case we´ll once meet
And my aggressiveness, I´m sometimes talking about, is usually based on politicians, who see no problem in roofers working until 70 or when free market economy means shakeout, shakeout, shakeout.
There´s just one question - ONE - I´m going to hate until I die (from it). The reason is less, that I struggle for words, when trying to reply, but that I just don´t understand the boundedness of my counterpart. I remember the situation, sitting around a table with about 15 friends of mine on the eve, when I got back to Germany after my months in Spain. There it was. I remember it, when I got back from Munich, back from Berlin, back from Vienna (where I had been not just for a visit or vacations). And I remember, that lately I met a friend in front of a supermarket asking me, after four months in Moscow.
I hate it. It´s definitely and for every time a NO GO, when you meet me, so remember:
Red Hot Chili Peppers
yesterday I couldn´t find the right ingredients for the special "Susan-has-to-make-dinner-and-as-we´ve-had-pasta-yesterday-we-have-to-think-about-something-else-today" - rice, that´s why I chose that mix of vegetables in the first row: aubergines, pepper and olives. To be only a bit creative, I cut some tomatoes from our garden.
As he* came home - not hasn´t eaten anything for 10 hours - I was ready. "Oh you tried something new", he said, having a look in the pan. And then, after trying: "It´s like eating pizza. If you wouldn´t see the rice, you´d think it´s a hacked pizza." And after two minutes: "God, it´s hot. Why did you put chilli peppers?"
Damn, who missed to write the right ingredients of my wonder-mix???
* one of the closest and at the same time most unknown persons of my surroundings
Donnerstag, 18. September 2008
Mittwoch, 17. September 2008
The indian solution
Yesterday he said, there´s no problem in drinking two Maß (that´s four bottles) and driving afterwards. It´s not an issue for me to drink and drive at all, but if I´d drink four bottles of beer, I wouldn´t walk straight, I wouldn´t speak clearly and...god, I wouldn´t drive.
Don´t get me wrong, Moscow has probably made an alcoholic of me (who else would ever drink every day of an entire month something alcoholic?), so I´m not the first to fall from the bench, when I´ve drunk.
At the Oktoberfest last year I drank exactly, what Mr. Beckstein declared, and I was quite alone with that amount. That´s why he may have acted the "correct" way... at least when you look forward to the elections, that will decide in less than two weeks about his future. Cheers, my indian!
What´s left to say (addition 19.09.08): Stefan Raab, a german joker, wanted to make the indian test and directed a student (a guy from the audience of his show) to drink two Maß; afterwards he was supposed to do a field sobriety test. Unfortunately the test went down the drain: after one Maß the guy threw up.
Dienstag, 16. September 2008
An die Freude
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng geteilt,
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder - überm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
*Friedrich von Schiller*
Montag, 15. September 2008
Saved as abstract
it´s me again. Today while driving too fast and thinking about the advantages of a potential speedlimit in Germany and disadvantages... I decided to give my thoughts a new chance. A new speed, so a new place. Maybe ´cause my friend* answered with three laughing smilies on MSN (:D :D :D), when I told her, I was talking to you (or probably to someone else), at night, loudly.
So it´s first of all a solution for my sister, who would find out sooner or later about that night-activity -I should mention, that I can´t stand peoples attitude talking to themselves, and she´s quite good at it. Yes, I don´t grant her that joy. By the way, talking to yourself in your mothertongue is one thing, talking in english to "nobody" another one.
So far, as you know, I´ve enjoyed -besides talking- writing mails to a wrong receiver, as I was afraid of sending them once accidentally. Saved as abstract made me glad, even if I knew nobody would read it. Today I decided to share my thoughts with more people than in fact nobody. The folder "abstracts" is going to bust my account, here we go...
I´m not unapologetic about the fact, that there is not really need to talk about me... But yeah, just about you. And when I think about it, that´s apparently a good reason to start this blog.
So it´s easy to return to the roots, to you, my dear.
So, life, take care!
* the one who is permanently afraid of being pregnant